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Innovating a clear path to quality opportunities.

Empowering teams and freelancers with systems and solutions that deliver measurable impact — Learn more

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Goal Scraper
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Client Feedback


InnovatewithAiMA has played a key role in my outbound strategies. From strategy to execution I've acquired channels for high-intent queries and clients.



InnovatewithAiMA truly understood the intricacies behind the audience I was after. The process up until my discovery calls felt entirely automated.



Absolutely outstanding procedures. I've yielded new clients and gained a better understanding of data.



InnovatewithAiMA has played an integral part in my outbound campaigns. From strategy to execution I've acquired high-intent queries & clients.



InnovatewithAiMA truly understood the intricacies behind the audience I was after. The process up until my discovery calls felt entirely automated.



Absolutely outstanding procedures. I've yielded new clients and gained a better understanding of data.


let slideIndex = 0; const slides = document.getElementsByClassName("unique_review-slide"); function showSlides(n) { if (n >= slides.length) { slideIndex = 0 } if (n < 0) { slideIndex = slides.length - 1 } for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].classList.remove("active"); } slides[slideIndex].classList.add("active"); } function changeSlide(n) { showSlides(slideIndex += n); } // Auto-scroll every 10 seconds const autoScroll = setInterval(() => changeSlide(1), 10000); // Touch events for mobile swipe let touchstartX = 0; let touchendX = 0; const container = document.querySelector('.unique_mobile-reviews'); container.addEventListener('touchstart', e => { touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX; // Pause auto-scroll on touch clearInterval(autoScroll); }, { passive: true }); container.addEventListener('touchend', e => { touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX; handleSwipe(); }, { passive: true }); function handleSwipe() { const swipeDistance = touchendX - touchstartX; if (Math.abs(swipeDistance) > 50) { // Add minimum swipe distance if (swipeDistance < 0) changeSlide(1); if (swipeDistance > 0) changeSlide(-1); } }
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Discover The Power of Collaborations

Innovate With AiMA

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AI & Analytics Insights | InnovatewithAiMA


Utilise results-backed insights, cream of the crop solutions, and data strategies.


Structures For Progress (PRINCE2 & PMBOK)

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Growth Metrics

Creating Project Management Systems

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Black Friday Strategy

Zero-Budget Lead Generation Success

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Black Friday Strategy

Freelance Writing Jobs: Freelancer Writing Tips

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Black Friday Strategy

Graphic Design Jobs: How to Create a Winning Portfolio

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Black Friday Strategy

Building Real Connections: Why Community Matters for Freelancers

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Black Friday Strategy

The Art of Cold Email Marketing

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Black Friday Strategy

Freelancing 101: Landing High-Paying Clients

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Essential Freelancer Tools

Opportunity Finder

Opportunity Finder

Portfolio Tracker

Portfolio Track

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What do you mean by AiMA?
AiMA is our innovative platform that connects freelancers with AI-powered opportunities. We help professionals leverage artificial intelligence to enhance their careers and discover new possibilities in the digital landscape.
What does AiMA stand for?
Artificial Intelligence Made Automations (AiMA) is symbolic of our goal is to help freelancers with outbound marketing by leveraging AI tools. To grow their portfolios by securing new opportunities. We believe that this approach fosters meaningful relationships, enabling freelancers to learn, earn, and enhance their skills.
How can InnovateWithAiMA help me?
We offer collaborations, partnerships and AIMA gigs as alternative services to fit your outbound marketing goals. Each separate in project scope and may involve upfront costs (partnerships) or pay on success (collaborations).
Does AiMA have a cost?
Once our team successfully negotiates a gig for you, we charge a software and finder fee totalling 10% of the agreed project amount. You can view our all information here. We offer flexible plans to suit your needs.
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Opening HoursMonday: 08:00am-17:00pmTuesday: 08:00am-17:00pmWednesday: 08:00am-17:00pmThursday: 08:00am-17:00pmFriday: 08:00am-17:00pmSaturday: 08:00am-17:00pmSunday: 08:00am-17:00pm

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Interested in learning more about InnovatewithAIMA? Fill out the form and one of our product experts will call you to understand your requirements better.

or write to us at:[email protected]

What do you mean by AiMA?
AiMA is our innovative platform that connects freelancers with AI-powered opportunities. We help professionals leverage artificial intelligence to enhance their careers and discover new possibilities in the digital landscape.
What does AiMA stand for?
Artificial Intelligence Made Automations (AiMA) is symbolic of our goal is to help freelancers with outbound marketing by leveraging AI tools. To grow their portfolios by securing new opportunities. We believe that this approach fosters meaningful relationships, enabling freelancers to learn, earn, and enhance their skills.
How can InnovateWithAiMA help me?
We offer collaborations, partnerships and AIMA gigs as alternative services to fit your outbound marketing goals. Each separate in project scope and may involve upfront costs (partnerships) or pay on success (collaborations).
Does AiMA have a cost?
Once our team successfully negotiates a gig for you, we charge a software and finder fee totalling 10% of the agreed project amount. You can view our all information here. We offer flexible plans to suit your needs.
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How To Contact Our TeamUse The Information Below To Contact Us

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Opening HoursMonday: 08:00am-17:00pmTuesday: 08:00am-17:00pmWednesday: 08:00am-17:00pmThursday: 08:00am-17:00pmFriday: 08:00am-17:00pmSaturday: 08:00am-17:00pmSunday: 08:00am-17:00pm

Enquiries Form

INNOVATEWITHAIMA LTD information:For Collaborations
For Partnerships
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What do you mean by AiMA?
AiMA is our innovative platform that connects freelancers with AI-powered opportunities. We help professionals leverage artificial intelligence to enhance their careers and discover new possibilities in the digital landscape.
What does AiMA stand for?
Artificial Intelligence Made Automations (AiMA) is symbolic of our goal is to help freelancers with outbound marketing by leveraging AI tools. To grow their portfolios by securing new opportunities. We believe that this approach fosters meaningful relationships, enabling freelancers to learn, earn, and enhance their skills.
How can InnovateWithAiMA help me?
We offer collaborations, partnerships and AIMA gigs as alternative services to fit your outbound marketing goals. Each separate in project scope and may involve upfront costs (partnerships) or pay on success (collaborations).
Does AiMA have a cost?
Once our team successfully negotiates a gig for you, we charge a software and finder fee totalling 10% of the agreed project amount. You can view our all information here. We offer flexible plans to suit your needs.
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Rnavn function toggleMenu2() { const navLinks2 = document.querySelector('.nav-links-2'); const menuButton2 = document.querySelector('.menu-button-2'); navLinks2.classList.toggle('active'); menuButton2.classList.toggle('active'); }
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Our Expertise And Commitments To You.

Our StoryInnovatewithAiMA started with a clear mission: to help solo freelancers, affiliates and creators to succeed. As former freelancers, we’ve experienced the challenges of finding steady work and securing clients on freelance platforms.These struggles inspired us to build a platform that combines AI-powered tools, outbound campaigns, and personalised support to solve these issues. Our goal is simple: to make growth easier for businesses and freelancers.Today, InnovatewithAiMA connects people to opportunities, helping clients across industries reach their full potential.

We help freelancers, agencies, and teams work smarter and grow online. By using creative ideas, technology, and data, we make success easier to achieve.With over 10 years of combined experience, our team knows how to build systems that work. Our goal is to deliver top-quality services that help you stand out.

Services For Freelancers and AgenciesFor freelancers, we offer tools, outreach strategies, and collaborate to help you land great projects, build your portfolio, and grow your reputation.For teams and agencies, we provide expert support, campaign help, and systems to boost your ROI and streamline your work.We work with you to create outbound marketing campaigns, into systems that fit your goals.

Our AccreditationsThese set us apart, ensuring your solution is delivered within a secure, reliable, and compliant digital space.

To ensure that any collaborations carried out are delivered on time, with a maintainable budget and to the highest standard, we employ PRINCE2 Methodology. This system gives you utmost clarity and clear structure to the management across your specific project.

Having first received Bloomberg Markets Concepts certification in 2021, we continue to work towards making data-driven decision-making in our marketing and the use of key financial insights to create ROI-focused campaigns.

Other Certification

Google Analytics: Individual Qualification

Google Digital Garage: digital marketing, brand building, & analytics basics

HootSuite: Social Media Marketing

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document.getElementById('roiAdContainer').addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (!e.target.classList.contains('roi-ad-cta')) { window.location.href = 'https://start.innovatewithaima.com/#roi'; } }); const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { entry.target.style.opacity = '1'; entry.target.style.transform = 'translateY(0)'; } }); }, { threshold: 0.1 }); const adContainer = document.querySelector('.roi-ad-container'); adContainer.style.opacity = '0'; adContainer.style.transform = 'translateY(20px)'; adContainer.style.transition = 'opacity 0.5s ease, transform 0.5s ease'; observer.observe(adContainer);
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Equipping Freelancers With AI & Data-Backed Strategies To Find More Projects

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Opportunity Finder

Stop endless scrolling. Start winning projects. Get instant direct links to freelance opportunities across multiple platforms 10 to 15mins before others even see them.

Opportunity Finder Interface
  • Instant alerts for new opportunities
  • Smart filtering based on your expertise
Win More Projects


Track your freelance portfolio impact with real-time insights. Understand who views your work and which projects resonate the most.

PortfolioTrack Interface
  • Real-time analytics
  • Strategic insights
  • Professional tracking
Learn More
Coming Soon

Task Manager

Transform your client workflow with our integrated task management system.

Task Manager Interface
  • Client information management
  • Task tracking and timing
  • Progress recording
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document.querySelectorAll('.product-card').forEach(card => { let raf; card.addEventListener('mousemove', e => { cancelAnimationFrame(raf); raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { const rect = card.getBoundingClientRect(); card.style.setProperty('--mouse-x', `${e.clientX - rect.left}px`); card.style.setProperty('--mouse-y', `${e.clientY - rect.top}px`); }); }); });
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AiMA Gig

Pay On Success
Smart Opportunity Matching
  • AI-Powered Matching
  • Seamless Collaboration
  • Boost Your Portfolio
Learn MoreEnroll Today!

Freelancer Pro

Secured Access
  • Quarterly Access
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Automation Tools
  • 24/7 Support
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Opportunity Finder

Connecting top-tier freelancers with transformative projects across social media.

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Responsive Navigation function toggleMobileMenu() { const navLinks = document.querySelector('.nav-links'); const menuToggle = document.querySelector('.mobile-menu-toggle'); navLinks.classList.toggle('active'); menuToggle.classList.toggle('active'); } // Close mobile menu when clicking outside document.addEventListener('click', function(event) { const navLinks = document.querySelector('.nav-links'); const menuToggle = document.querySelector('.mobile-menu-toggle'); if (!event.target.closest('.navigation')) { navLinks.classList.remove('active'); menuToggle.classList.remove('active'); } });
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'Is It Time To Raise The Bar?'

Our Solutions Guide Your Tele-Marketing Efforts

Partner With Us

Our partnership model provides you a hands-off systems to scale effectively with tele-marketing:

  • Begin Consistently Multi-Channel Outreaching, Tailored Workflows & Fail-Safe SOPs
  • Fresh Lead Sources
  • Full EndToEnd Operation Support & KPI Analysis
  • Business Network Collaboration
  • Capture Pre-Qualified Leads, Close Paid Clients At A Super Low CAC
  • If you aren't actively exploring outbound strategies and systems, you're leaving opportunities on the table...

Grow My Pipeline
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Let's Fuel Your Current Setup With Strategic Outbound Campaigns

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Some Feedback


InnovatewithAiMA has played a key role in my outbound strategies. From strategy to execution I've acquired channels for high-intent queries and clients.



InnovatewithAiMA truly understood the intricacies behind the audience I was after. The process up until my discovery calls felt entirely automated.



Absolutely outstanding procedures. I've yielded new clients and gained a better understanding of data.



We're seeing better quality leads with the efforts of InnovatewithAiMA and team.

S M.


Implementing their strategies has shown an improvement in our time to booked metric.

J K.


Quality of leads has improved significantly.

L T.


A Y.


E R.




InnovatewithAiMA has played an integral part in my outbound campaigns. From strategy to execution I've acquired high-intent queries & clients.



InnovatewithAiMA truly understood the intricacies behind the audience I was after. The process up until my discovery calls felt entirely automated.



Absolutely outstanding procedures. I've yielded new clients and gained a better understanding of data.


let slideIndex = 0; const slides = document.getElementsByClassName("unique_review-slide"); function showSlides(n) { if (n >= slides.length) { slideIndex = 0 } if (n < 0) { slideIndex = slides.length - 1 } for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { slides[i].classList.remove("active"); } slides[slideIndex].classList.add("active"); } function changeSlide(n) { showSlides(slideIndex += n); } setInterval(() => changeSlide(1), 10000); let touchstartX = 0; let touchendX = 0; document.querySelector('.unique_review-container').addEventListener('touchstart', e => { touchstartX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX; }); document.querySelector('.unique_review-container').addEventListener('touchend', e => { touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX; handleSwipe(); }); function handleSwipe() { if (touchendX < touchstartX) changeSlide(1); if (touchendX > touchstartX) changeSlide(-1); }
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DIY For Agencies & Teams

  • Applications housing up to 15 team members
  • Custom Integration Built For Results
  • Dedicated Support Team
  • Personalised Onboarding
  • Advanced Analytics - Designed To Deliver Results Within The First 60 days
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Eliminate Stubborn Operational Inefficiencies With Agency Software

White-labelled infrastructures designed to inject an effective system into workflows and scale your operations. Whether you're looking to expand your service offerings or simplify complex processes, our solutions empower you to focus on what truly matters! - See All Features

INNOVATEB2B is a trading name of INNOVATEWITHAIMA LTD, a company registered in England and Wales.

Streamlined Solutions for Scalable Success

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document.getElementById('roiAdContainer').addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (!e.target.classList.contains('roi-ad-cta')) { window.location.href = 'https://start.innovatewithaima.com/#roi'; } }); const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { entry.target.style.opacity = '1'; entry.target.style.transform = 'translateY(0)'; } }); }, { threshold: 0.1 }); const adContainer = document.querySelector('.roi-ad-container'); adContainer.style.opacity = '0'; adContainer.style.transform = 'translateY(20px)'; adContainer.style.transition = 'opacity 0.5s ease, transform 0.5s ease'; observer.observe(adContainer);
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Check Out Our Latest Tool

Track Your Freelance Portfolio Impact

Elevate your professional brand with real-time insights. Understand who views your work, which projects resonate, and turn portfolio views into opportunities.

Real-time Analytics

Instant visibility into who's exploring your professional showcase.

Project Insights

Track and analyse engagement with your projects to fine-tune your portfolio.

Professional Tracking

Simple, powerful interface to monitor your freelance reach.

Limited Availability
£7.99/month £95.88/year
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Your Performance, Visualised

User Analytics

Your Portfolio, Your Insights


Create Your Profile

Setup using just the link of your current portfolio!

Step 1

Track Interactions

Monitor who views your portfolio in real-time.

Step 2

Gain Insights

Understand which projects resonate most.

Step 3
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const dashboardImage = document.getElementById('pt-dashboardImage'); const dashboardPreviewImages = [ 'https://i.ibb.co/809v6bc/image.png', 'https://i.ibb.co/Z8Qf77K/image.png' ]; let currentImageIndex = 0; function rotateDashboardImage() { currentImageIndex = (currentImageIndex + 1) % dashboardPreviewImages.length; dashboardImage.style.opacity = 0; setTimeout(() => { dashboardImage.src = dashboardPreviewImages[currentImageIndex]; dashboardImage.style.opacity = 1; }, 500); } function updateCountdown() { const countdownEl = document.getElementById('bfcm-countdown'); const bfcmEnd = new Date('2024-12-02T23:59:59'); const now = new Date(); const difference = bfcmEnd - now; if (difference > 0) { const days = Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); const hours = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60)); const minutes = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)); const seconds = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); countdownEl.textContent = `BFCM OFFER ENDS IN: ${days}d ${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`; } else { countdownEl.textContent = 'BFCM OFFER HAS ENDED'; } } setInterval(rotateDashboardImage, 2500); setInterval(updateCountdown, 1000); updateCountdown(); // Initial call });
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INNOVATEB2B is a trading name of INNOVATEWITHAIMA LTD, a company registered in England and Wales.

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INNOVATEB2B is a trading name of INNOVATEWITHAIMA LTD, a company registered in England and Wales.

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